Booking Fees
About Booking Fees
We aim to be fully transparent about our booking fee’s prior to you making a booking with us. This is usually shown on the event page (below the ticket selection), at the bottom of the event page, and on ‘pay any amount’ pages prior to making a payment.
Where do these fees apply?
The fees apply to all payment methods – credit/debit cards, bank transfers and cash deposits. We have kept these fee’s as low as possible in order to ensure we can provide this aspect of the service.
What do these fees cover exactly?
The booking fees apply per transaction and help us cover the costs involved in running the website in relation to the deposits & installments. There are all sorts of processes involved in ensuring payments are assigned to live online accounts, and further ensuring members have the ability to log in and view up to date account details and balance as well as receive updates via email. This, of course, involves paying our hardworking staff to keep the information up to date.
For further information please email or call us. We’re happy to help!